Mo.js: Animation library
Mo.js is a motion graphics library geared towards the serious interaction developer.
MediumEditor.js: WYSIWYG text editor
MediumEditor.js is a great looking rich text editor based on
Mark.js: Keyword highlighter
Mark.js is a search term highlighting library useful for marking search terms and regular expressions on the fly.
LPology.js: Drag & drop uploads
LPology.js is a drag and drop style frontend file uploader with upload progress and file previews.
List.js: Search, sort, filter
List.js allows you to add search, sort and filter functionality to your lists, tables and HTML.
LightenseImages.js: Image zoom
LightenseImages.js is simple image zoom library inspired by Medium's Zoom.js.
Keymaster.js: Keyboard shortcuts
Keymaster.js allows you to define and execute custom keyboard shortcuts in your web page or web app.
Kajero.js: Content editable markdown
Kajero.js is a markdown document library that's completely content editable on the frontend. Kajero.js also allows you to visualize and execute code blocks within your markdown.
Jump.js: Smooth scroll
Jump.js is a smooth scroll library with support for callbacks and custom easings.
Isotope.js: Masonry layout
Isotope.js is a responsive masonry layout library with options for sorting and filtering.
IsMobile.js: Mobile detection
IsMobile.js is a mobile detection library for phones and tablets with support for specific model detection.
IntenseImages.js: Image zoom
IntenseImages.js is an image zoom library with cursor awareness functionality for very large images.
Impress.js: Presentation library
Impress.js is a presentation library powered by keyboard shortcuts and optimised CSS transitions.
Iconate.js: Icon transformation library
Iconate.js is a library for transforming/morphing one icon into another with custom easings.
Horsey.js: Search autocomplete
Horsey.js is a customizable autocomplete library with support for ajax, suggestions, key pairs, custom HTML rendering, textarea and dropdown lists.
Holmes.js: Filter page content by search
Holmes.js allows you to show & hide or filter page content on the fly by keyword search.
Headroom.js: Toggle header on scroll
Headroom.js saves you precious screen real estate by showing and hiding your header as you scroll.
GreenSock.js: Animation library
GreenSock.js (also GSAP, TweenMax) is an animation library built to animate anything in any browser.